Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

Program Beasiswa NZDS ke New Zealand 2010-2011

Tahun 2010 ini, New Zealand menawarkan program beasiswa untuk pelajar dari negera sedang berkembang, termasuk Indonesia. Info selengkapnya mengenai program beasiswa luar negeri “New Zealand Development Scholarships” ini adalah sebagai berikut:
New Zealand Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries
The New Zealand Development Scholarships (NZDS) scheme offers the opportunity to people from selected developing countries to undertake development-related studies in New Zealand.

This may include study related to education, health, rural livelihoods, governance, human rights, or economic development, depending on the human resource development training needs of the home government.
New Zealand Development Scholarships are offered for full-time, tertiary level study at participating New Zealand education institutions.
The NZDS scheme has two categories:

New Zealand Development Scholarships – Public category (NZDS-Public)
The NZDS-Public scholarships scheme is a bilateral scheme available to individuals from selected partner countries in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The selection criteria is determined by the partner government and NZAID.

Shortlisted applications, mostly from public sector employees, are endorsed for a scholarship by the partner government. Employees from civil society or private sector organisations may apply for the NZDS-Public in some countries depending on country-specific selection criteria. The levels and fields of study available for study in New Zealand are determined according to the partner country’s human resource development training needs.
New Zealand Development Scholarships – Open category (NZDS-Open)
The NZDS-Open scholarships scheme is a non-bilateral scheme available to candidates of some developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific. Under the NZDS-Open scheme, candidates independently apply for a scholarship.
NZDS-Open scholarships are generally directed at employees of private sector or civil society sector organisations, including non-governmental organisations. In some countries, public sector employees can also apply for a NZDS-Open scholarship depending on the country or region-specific selection criteria. This criteria also determines the levels and the fields of study under which candidates can apply to study in New Zealand.
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Khusus untuk pelajar Indonesia, berikut contact detail yang bisa membantu Anda mengetahui informasi beasiswa selengkapnya:
Ibu Rika Kiswardani, Head Division for Bilateral Technical Cooperation
Attn: Ibu Netty Trenggonowati, Head of Sub-Division for Bilateral Fellowship
State Secretariate RI
Jl Veteran No. 18, Gedung III, lt. 4
Jakarta Pusat 10330
Tel: (62 21) 384 4118
Fax: (62 21) 386 0611
New Zealand Embassy
Mrs Indirawati, NZAID Development Programme Administrator
New Zealand Embassy
Unit 210A, 10/Floor
Sentral Senayan Tower II
Plaza Senayan
Jalan Asia Afrika
Tel: 62-21 299 55 800
Fax: 62-21 57974578


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